Thursday, 25 July 2013

'The stigma associated with raising concerns has to be removed'

Nurse behind frosted glass Whistleblowing can be a frightening and daunting task and people feel it is easier not to speak out about bad practice. Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian

The term whistleblower often conjures up anxiety and fear in those wishing to raise concerns. Meanwhile, the response to those brave enough to do so can be defensive and doubting. This is enough to deter someone from coming forward to raise concerns.

I know from my experience at Mid Staffordshire how frightening and daunting a task it is to raise concerns in the workplace. There are many reasons why people feel that it is just easier to turn a blind eye and not raise your head above the parapet. While these reasons are often valid and must not be dismissed, it is vital that where problems exist those who witness them must speak out in order for things to change.

The stigma associated with raising concerns has to be removed. This can be achieved by increasing awareness of how to raise concerns safely and appropriately, so that it becomes not only expected, but also accepted. The option of whether you should act upon your concerns and blow the whistle should not exist. There are two main factors that prevent people raising concerns. Staff do not know enough about the actual process and they fear personal and professional repercussions.

All NHS trusts and organisations should provide standardised policies for raising concerns and deliver training and awareness of the process so that staff feel informed and empowered. It is vital for these trusts and organisations to promote the importance of raising concerns and offer reassurance and positive feedback to those who do. This united message would soon encourage people to raise concerns if they have them. If this is then evidenced by action rather than just words, the historic culture of people failing to speak out, or no effective action being taken if they do, will begin to change.

Those of us working in health and social care have a duty to act as advocates for the people we care for and this sometimes means speaking out when things are not right.

Through my own difficult personal experience I am clear that there is so much more that can be done to raise awareness and support staff who want to raise concerns. In my role as ambassador for cultural change, I hope the situations I faced at Mid Staffordshire, and what I learnt from them, can really help to encourage a more open and transparent culture across the partnership trust.

I want to encourage even greater professionalism, support staff to raise concerns and ensure that the voice of the frontline is heard clearly at a senior level within the organisation. I have a clear remit from partnership trust chief executive Stuart Poynor and the trust board to act freely and with complete autonomy from the management team, as another route for issues of concern to be raised at the highest level. This is essential and will help ensure an open transparent workforce.

My aim is to help empower staff to deliver an excellent service and be an ally for anyone on the frontline who is worried about raising concerns. I wish to hear the voice of those who are delivering care and services. I question:

• How supported do staff feel?
• Are staff confident that they know how to raise concerns?
• Have staff raised concerns in the past? What has been the response?
• Do staff feel listened to?
• What helps and hinders staff from doing their jobs well?
• What do patients/service users and relatives feel? 

I want staff to know that I am here as their support to improve the way we all work and ultimately give the best possible care.

Because of this role and my chief executive's forward thinking, I am optimistic about the future. The only way forward is to extend this type of role to all trusts. Trust boards throughout the NHS should embrace the concept and unite to help change the culture. We have a responsibility to protect and restore confidence in the NHS and, most importantly, protect those who need to use it.

Helene Donnelly is ambassador for cultural change at Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent partnership NHS trust.

This article is published by Guardian Professional. Join the Healthcare Professionals Network to receive regular emails and exclusive offers.

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